Friday, 25 November 2011

Crispy Lettuce

Lettuce. This is a common name for the many varieties of them; rocket, butterhead, romaine etc. You see them in almost all the salad dishes. They don’t just make salads beautiful, they works beauty inside you.
Why lettuce? Besides containing the powerful enzyme of raw food, it is rich in chlorophyll, Vitamin A and folic acid. It also contains healthful minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and is good fiber food to encourage smooth elimination. They are very good diet food as they are low in sodium and calories. Always choose the varieties with the richest in colour.
What about Chlorophyll? It is part of most plants, especially high in greens. It’s the “blood” of the plant with magnesium as the main ingredient. Magnesium is required for calcium absorption so that’s why I always say get your calcium from greens. Both calcium and magnesium contains in the greens are always in the best proportion so nothing beats the natural goodnessJ Chlorophyll always has a revitalizing effects when used in humans. (Always feels less “sinful” after taking some right…J)
Just look at how the greens spice up my photolicious and super-delicious food creations:

From left: Cold Soba Noodle Salad, Japanese cum Taiwan Salad (see the Taiwan "metal" eggs), Tuna Salad all beautifully lined with lettuce. Cutting the guilt can be so easy!   

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Cucumber Magic

Japanese Cucumbers
Have you eaten raw cucumber? I tell you they are the easiest raw veges to eat. They are juicy, crunchy, sweet, refreshing and simply shaped like an ice-cream stick, which makes eating them a breeze. Your mouth smells very nice too after eating them.

Why raw? Raw veges contains digestive enzymes which helps in digestions so the limited enzymes produced by your body can be used for other more important health maintenance purpose other than digesting. There's even a saying by enzyme experts that once you use up the amount of enzymes in your body, you die. Hipps** So start stocking up on enzymes now!

Why cucumber? They are almost "0" calories. Great for dieters. They are the best source of Vitamin E (in their seeds) so are great for beauty skin goers. They contain Antioxidant Vitamins such as A and C. They contains healthful minerals especially Potassium which is good to balance the often too salty food of Singapore.

Look at how I use cucumbers to add to the health factor of my not so healthy (but very yummy foods...)

From left: Take aways Party foods, Cucumber with Crab Meat, Take aways Chicken Rice

and some more...

From Left: Roast Duck Feast at home, Indian Mee Goreng (ask for more Cucumbers!)

The possibilities are almost endless. So enjoy your meals!

Common Raw Veges Series

Ok folks, you should have learn much tips from my daily diet series posted last 2 weeks. Thanks to my many friends and clients who have supported me with sms that they love my tips and some even slim down 1 kg already! Whao!
Now let move on to see how Raw Veges can add more Colours & Health Factor to our daily yummies.