Sunday, 11 December 2011


Beef is the flesh /meat of cow. It is one of the most popular meat types under the Red Meats Category.
Lean Steak balance with Raw Greens.
Why beef: Provides protein, fat and calories to the body. Contains many other nutrients such as fairly good level of the Bs Vitamin which provides energy boost, moderate level of Vitamin A and some Vitamin E & D. It also contains very good iron content, high level of Potassium and Phosphorus, good amount of Sodium and some anti-cancer minerals such as Zinc & Selenium.
What about iron in beef: The iron in beef is very good and more usable by our body than iron from other source.

Look out! : Different cuts of meat may vary greatly in their fat content, and this is the greatest concern with meat. It is wise to eat more of the leaner cuts such as flank / round steak, rump or chuck roasts, lean ground beef or stew meat or sirloin steaks at the higher end. Although richer and fattier meat taste better and have richer flavor due to higher saturated fats content, one have to take note that too much saturated fats can make you “expand”, not mentioning the many heart health problems it may cause. However, you will be pleased to know that saturated fat plays an important role in our body so they are not enemies when in appropriate amount. Moderation is the key word. Match them with greens, especially raw ones (great heart food) as a safety net and to cut the guilt.

Rich Vege Base Oxtail Stew cooked without adding any salt or oil.
Another thing about beef is that Sodium contain in beef is high so it is good to be light on the salt when cooking beef especially for people with high-blood pressure or sodium dependant conditions. I have earlier created a Rich Vege Base Oxtail Stew for one of my client which wants to loose weight and still eats her meat. I uses many vegetables and especially fennel (refer to my earlier post) in this stew dish. In view of the natural Sodium content in both the veges and oxtail and the existing fat content of the oxtail, I do not need to add anymore salt or oil to the stew. My client is very please with it's taste and finds it better than any restaurant stew which she have tasted before. It's a very healthy and a balance meal on its own and is now my one of my favourite dish too! Natural flavor…MUAH!!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

The Common Meat Series

Good job for the many efforts in implementing the “raw greens” into your daily diet. I know it's not easy so it will be cool enough if you can try to make the three raw veges part of your daily diet. You will not be disappointed. Look out if your skin and health becomes “dong-i dong-i” soon...J  

Ok folks, we are moving on.
You are going to love this section. I am gonna tell you the goodness of meat food. Yes, MEAT.

Meat is basically the muscles of animals and it provides complete protein and these muscle meat are very close in makeup to human protein. Protein is one of the one major building block of our body and we need them to grow and survive well. There is nothing wrong with meat. It’s always the amount we eat, the way we eat it, prepare it and play with it. By appreciating its goodness, you will see meat with less guilt but double the enjoyment when having it instead. What can be worse than eating and feeling guilty at the same time? Hey, enjoy WISELY to good health!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Cherry Tomatoes

Doesn’t the look of the cute cherry looking tomatoes brings a smile to your face? They are definitely happy food for me, and the best part, they can be eaten either raw or cooked or both. Some say they are a fruit and some say they are vegetables but it doesn’t really matters to me as they are so delicious! They are the mainstay vegetables for many cultures around the world and they have a wide variety of uses, raw in salad and juice, in soups, in sauces, in dressings and in pizza and so many more!
Why tomatoes? They are beautifulJ, they are well spiked with potassium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, some Vitamin E, folic acid and Bs and also contains a bit of Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium and of course, lot's of Enzymes (provided if taken raw). They are low in calories (another good news to dieters) and are mostly liquid and carbohydrates.

Another thing about tomatoes is the phytochemicals that they contains. Lycopene is the main phytochemicals of the tomato and most health benifits of the tomatoes are attributed to lycopene. Lycopene may be helpful in protecting against cancer by activating what is known as "phase II enzymes", which protect against cancer and this powerful phytochemical are able to increase the production of these enzymes.
It is true that some of the nutrient will be more concentrated in tomatoes when cooked but all enzymes will be loss. My suggestions? Eat both lah! However, as tomatoes belong to the nightshade plant family, those with arthritis may wish to practice moderation when eating them.
See how tomatoes can be such a great add-ons to our daily food creations:
From left: Minced meat brown rice, Honey Roasted Chicken, My Salad Lunch Box, Simple Tuna Salad all nicely complimented with Raw Tomatoes.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Crispy Lettuce

Lettuce. This is a common name for the many varieties of them; rocket, butterhead, romaine etc. You see them in almost all the salad dishes. They don’t just make salads beautiful, they works beauty inside you.
Why lettuce? Besides containing the powerful enzyme of raw food, it is rich in chlorophyll, Vitamin A and folic acid. It also contains healthful minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and is good fiber food to encourage smooth elimination. They are very good diet food as they are low in sodium and calories. Always choose the varieties with the richest in colour.
What about Chlorophyll? It is part of most plants, especially high in greens. It’s the “blood” of the plant with magnesium as the main ingredient. Magnesium is required for calcium absorption so that’s why I always say get your calcium from greens. Both calcium and magnesium contains in the greens are always in the best proportion so nothing beats the natural goodnessJ Chlorophyll always has a revitalizing effects when used in humans. (Always feels less “sinful” after taking some right…J)
Just look at how the greens spice up my photolicious and super-delicious food creations:

From left: Cold Soba Noodle Salad, Japanese cum Taiwan Salad (see the Taiwan "metal" eggs), Tuna Salad all beautifully lined with lettuce. Cutting the guilt can be so easy!   

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Cucumber Magic

Japanese Cucumbers
Have you eaten raw cucumber? I tell you they are the easiest raw veges to eat. They are juicy, crunchy, sweet, refreshing and simply shaped like an ice-cream stick, which makes eating them a breeze. Your mouth smells very nice too after eating them.

Why raw? Raw veges contains digestive enzymes which helps in digestions so the limited enzymes produced by your body can be used for other more important health maintenance purpose other than digesting. There's even a saying by enzyme experts that once you use up the amount of enzymes in your body, you die. Hipps** So start stocking up on enzymes now!

Why cucumber? They are almost "0" calories. Great for dieters. They are the best source of Vitamin E (in their seeds) so are great for beauty skin goers. They contain Antioxidant Vitamins such as A and C. They contains healthful minerals especially Potassium which is good to balance the often too salty food of Singapore.

Look at how I use cucumbers to add to the health factor of my not so healthy (but very yummy foods...)

From left: Take aways Party foods, Cucumber with Crab Meat, Take aways Chicken Rice

and some more...

From Left: Roast Duck Feast at home, Indian Mee Goreng (ask for more Cucumbers!)

The possibilities are almost endless. So enjoy your meals!

Common Raw Veges Series

Ok folks, you should have learn much tips from my daily diet series posted last 2 weeks. Thanks to my many friends and clients who have supported me with sms that they love my tips and some even slim down 1 kg already! Whao!
Now let move on to see how Raw Veges can add more Colours & Health Factor to our daily yummies. 

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Oct 29, 2011

It’s Saturday so will be Holiday Menu today tooJ
Woke up late again so skip my fruits breakfast and go straight for brunch instead after my big glass of warm filtered water.
I love variety so decided to have these for lunch. Isn’t it a feast? HahaJ Stir-fry Bitter Gourd (high in Vitamin C, fiber and cooling to the body), Potato with Green Peas (High in Potassium and Fiber), Sweet & Sour Pork (Vitamin Bs and Protein), Stew Black Bean Paste Fish Fillet (Vitamin Bs, Protein and Omega 3 for the brain) and some vinegar-soaked green chilli to balance all the taste.
Ordered my favorite dessert Cheng Tng to wash down all the good food. Not very healthy??? Just asked for no additional sweeterner for your dessert and the main Ingredient, Long Gan is very rich in Iron and the Bs Vitamin. I enjoy every bits of it and happy eating is very healthyJ Being unhappy during mealtime cause Indigestions and Indigestions is the start of many illness. Serious. As I always say, U Don’t eat like this everyday so just enjoy! The Stall auntie just brought out her freshly Deep-Fried Fish Fillet so I ordered one to share with dear…hmmmJ
I usually have a very light dinner if I have a heavy brunch or lunch. Cooked Instant Noodle Dry. I left out the packet oil which comes with the noodle packet (which is mostly hydrogenated oil, the bad guy with causes heart diseases)  and I add some deep fried Spring Onions and Sesame Oil and to add to the fragrant and Vitamin E and F. Both Vitamins is abundant in all Vegetable Oils and is very good for skin and complexion.  I still have half of the Mustard Green left from yesterday’s cooking so I lightly boiled them to compliment my Instant Noodle to minus off the sin.
I end my dinner with the digestive aid: Pineapples. Hope you have yummy and healthy meals today!  

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Oct 27, 2011

Mustard Green Raw vs lightly boiled
Prepared lightly-boiled Mustard Green today to compliment my lunch. I just love dishes like Mustard Green Rice and Soup which goes so well with Fried RiceJ Besides being high in dietary fibre and antioxidant Vitamin A,C & E, Mustard Green is one of the cruciferous vegetables veges which is very high in valuable Vitamins K. Vitamin K helps prevents internal bleeding and is an essential in producing blood-clotting factor substance in the body. Its anti-cancer properties cholesterol-lowering ability may encourage you to make it your favourite vege. It is interesting to note that Mustard Greens have increased cholesterol-lowering ability when cooked lightly compare to when it is raw.

Grapefruit (left) & Green Apple (right)
I had Grapefruit for breakfast today to help burn some fats from yesterdays feast. Yes, it’s a great fruit for weight loss purpose for it reduces appetite and to help digestion and utilization of foods. It is also Low in calories and eating them burn as many calories as they contains!

The Grapefruit breakfast just now really helps in digestions so I am hungry again…decided to snack on a green apple to further aids in my weight loss plan for the day. Apples are high in fiber Pectin, which has detoxifying quality. Pectin is beneficial for high cholesterol & weight loss too. So as I always “nag”, learn to balance your rich Singapore good food with fruits and veges.
Organic Pineapple Fried Brown Rice Set with Mustard Green
Mustard Green always goes well with fried rice so I choose to have Organic Pineapple Fried Brown Rice Set for lunch today. The fried brown rice is not oily, topped with lots of pineapple, vegetarian mock pork floss and crispy seaweed to add to my iodine content to nourish my thyroid gland to boost my weight loss abilityJ See that the fried rice set did not come with much veges so my home prepared veges comes in handy again. Don’t you agree that my Mustard Green looks so beautiful next to the fried rice and small bowl of cabbage soup tooJ

Cut Guava
Brought cut Guavas for snack which is very high in Vitamin C, fibre and Mineral Potassium again to complement my weight loss and detox planJ Potassium helps to balance the sodium content in our body so that I don’t feel “bloated” due to too much water-retaining salt in the diet.  

Packet Pumpkin with Japanese Cucumber
Will be eating dinner alone tonight so I decided to make it very simple. Will packet some stir-fry pumpkin with is very rich in beta carotene to be converted to Vitamin A and to form an anti-cancer troop inside my body. I decided to eat the Pumpkin with 1 Raw Japanese Cucumber (high in Potassium) so the Pumpkins don’t taste too saltish (outside foods are often heavier in taste…). Take more Pumpkin as it is so chock full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. The enzymes in the raw cucumber will help me digest my cooked pumpkin, thus relieving my body of the burden of digestion. Good digestion ensure good weight control tooJ

Oct 26, 2011

Have a little too much of the Bollywood Holiday Movie yesterday night...woke up at 10am today! Ok, so I skipped my breakfast fruits but still stick to my big glass of warm filtered water upon waking. This helps me to refresh my body after about 8 hours of "fast" and help to flush out whatever is necessary to be out.

Its hoilday so it shall be hoilday menu todayJ

Its about 11am now so for brunch, we have this, this and THIS:

Remember to add in the whatever you eat whenever you can. Spring onion is helpful in reducing the levels of cholesterol. They are particularly beneficial in keeping sugar levels under control and increase the tolerance to glucose. As carrot cakes are made of refine rice flour and pure carbo, glucose level sure shot up so you know why spring onion comes in handy. Do you know that Prawns are low in fat? Though it is higher in cholesterol, let the Spring onion take care of thatJ Ok, the blackish charr part are no good and cancer causing so try to leave it out if possible. One more thing about Spring Onion, it is anti-cancer tooJ
We just love liquid nutrients so we decided to order Old Cucumber Soup and Pig Stomach Soup to share. The Old Cucumber adds fiber to the meaty meals and has cooling effect in our body to balance the heatiness of the rest of the heaty bbq and fried foods. The Pig Stomach is very much is very rich in Vitamin B12 which is very essential for the production and regeneration of red blood cells and can even prevent Cataracts. Pig Stomach soup also have a folk use in aiding in frequent urination. Of course, good things comes in small packages, moderation is the key. Sharing is the tipsJ 
We appear to be still hungry so we ordered Nor Hiong He Bia and BBQ Satay! The cooling Cucumber and anti-cancer Onion (nutritional values similar to Spring Onion) is the savior for the deep fried and BBQs. Just Enjoy good food with a merry heart with your love ones. You DON"T EAT LIKE THIS EVERYDAY RIGHT??J 
Ok here is the tip of the day. Cool Bitter Ground and Pineapple Juice to wash everything down. Both rich in antioxidant Vitamin C and raw digestive enzyme for digestions. Its another cool ways to ends your mealsJ
Being very Kiasu (ok, its true that I abit overdo in my eating today...heehee..:p), I brough 2 slices of Papaya and 2 slices of Pineapple for my dinner. Papaya contains the digestive enzymes to digest protein Pineapple can help digest both protein and carbohydrates.Yap, that's how I balance my meals. With lots of filtered water too.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Oct 25, 2011

Slept very well after my healthy juice dinner yesterdayJ So here are my meals for the day:

Brought these sweet pears from NTUC Fairprice and almost forget about them…so they have to be my breakfast today. Pears have modest to moderate amounts of many nutrients and are high in the mineral manganese & antioxidant selenium. Manganese is good for improving eyesight so it’s a great way to reward my eyes for many late nights studying.

Have prepared some raw curly green lettuce with cute little round orange tomatoes to go with my lunch today.  Just rinse them well and you are done. Super easy, super healthy. Enzymes in the raw veges aids indigestions besides adding precious Vitamins and Minerals to your diet.

I had very watery Sweet Potato Porridge with friend at hawker centre. Look at the dishes we had: Xiao Bai Cai, Turnip Stir-fry, Beancurd with minced meat in dark sauce, Fish in dark sauce, Slice Pork Chop and my home prepared Salad veges. I seldom take white grains but don’t mind the porridge water as it is very “cooling” to the body to balance the hot weather and the deep fried food.
Brought 1 slice of Sarawak Pineapple as desserts after my lunchJ The unique enzyme of pineapple aids in both protein and carbohydrate digestions so it’s a great way to end a meal.
Brought Indian Style Chickpeas from an Indian stall for my snacksJ Chickpeas contains the Bs vitamins and its vege protein keeps me awake and satisfy in the late afternoon.

These are my dinner with dear...Hor Fun & Char Kuey Tiao with LOTS OF VEGES! Yes, just learn the art of balancing. I always finish all of the veges and only half of the CKT. Dear left most of the ingredient of the Hor Fun for me and took care of most of the carbos...I am indeed a very blessed woman:)

We also ordered a Watercress and Kiam Cai Duck Soup each. The soup contains all goodness of the ingredients which can be easily absorbed by the body. The wisdom of liquid food:) The watercress adds to the fiber of our meals. Fiber is so important in getting our bowels moving. We usually left the meat in the soup out.

We drink hot Peppermint Tea before bed. it helps with digesting our hearty dinner just now and promote a good night sleepzzz... Sweet dreams...and more good food tomorrow.

Happy Holiday YEH!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Oct 24, 2011

Have been a bit naughty during weekends (usually…:p) I had one Vitamin C rich yellow & green kiwi each for breakfast as I sense some mucus congestions coming up my nose…not forgetting my big glass of warm filtered water the first thing in the morning too. (Hey, remember to spilt out the mucus which usually appears after the drinking of warm water. It’s the body doing its daily spring cleaning so Do NOT swallow the rubbish back k!)  
Broccoli boiling
Have boiled some broccoli which I brought from the wet market during yesterday’s morning marketing trip with dear. I usually prepare some lightly boiled greens to bring to work to compliment my lunch with. This is a really easy, quick and almost effortless way which I always taught my client to “up” their daily nutrients. You can still have your usual lunch without the need of having to endure the hawker aunties’ “nasty stares” when you ask for more veges…plus, veges are good for you! Besides the much needed Vitamins and Minerals, veges contain phytonutrients which is a nature’s miracle health fighter. Built a green troop of health and you will feel the difference. Trust me, veges do you only good and zero harm.

Seafood Feast for yesterday dinner!
Am now enjoying my warm cup of ginger and lemon grass herbal tea to ease my little indigestions due to too much good food yesterday (hei hei…:p) It’s lunch time soon, I shall see you later. Posting my home prepared dinner yesterday and you know why I had a little too much …enjoy your lunch!

Soy Mutton Curry Set with home prepared Broccoli
Had vegetarian mutton soy curry brown rice for lunch today. The set comes with 1 bowl of vegetable soy curry with mock mutton (made with mushroom), bean curd, tao pok, long beans, eggplant and tomato, 1 bowl of organic brown rice and 3 vegetarian crackers. Not much of the greens so here is when my broccoli come in handy;) Still drinking my ginger & lemongrass tea to aids digestion especially after fatty curries...

Have this big China Shingo Pear for snacks as throat feels a bit dry. Juicy and cooling for the throat. The packaging that comes with the pear serve as a quick practical serving bowl too. Going to enjoy it now...;)
China Shingo Pear Cut & serve in its own packaging

In view of my heavy meaty dinner yesterday, I plan to have just fresh juices for dinner. It will be celery, carrot, parsley, beetroot & fennel juice for dinner. Altogether, it contains the most healthful minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium. calcium, iron, sulphur and is very rich in antioxidant Vitamin A & C. Always remember to drink more water after juices to get every good things moving in your body. For those who do not know what fennel is, I have posted a pic of it. You will be able to get it from the vege stalls in the wet market or I remember seeing it at The Market Place at Tanglin Mall. Fennel is very good in its sodium, potassium and sulphur content so its a heart healthy & beauty remedy:) Here is the pic of my super healthy juice dinner. 
Power Juice for dinner tonight:)

Hi I’m BACK!

Hi everyone, its been a really crazy busy period for me with all the work, studies and business trips!.. Tired but very fulfilling indeed. My sincere apology for not updating the blog for such a long while…:p and to my many friends and client who have requested for my daily eating tips to be blogged, I have good news for all of you. Yes, you will have your wish granted. Health is for everyone who seeks its goodness, so, stay tunedJ

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Roast Chicken Salad Again…

I think I can never get enough of my roast chicken salad. Here it is to chair our romantic dinner again…only looking more beautiful than ever…J Have a lovely & cleverly healthy dinner!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Easy Roast Chicken Salad

This is dinner for me & hubby. It’s just the two of us tonightJ it’s a super easy dish which requires no cooking at all. We see this heavenly smelling, beautiful honey roasted chicken hot in the griller at one of the big supermarket and decided to grab one for dinner. Roast chicken may be labeled “sinful” by those on diet but to me, it’s about the wisdom of Balancing. What I did was to dress it up with lots of greens and here we have, a tasty and balance meal. The roasted skin part is the most delicious and I never deprive myself of the goodness of life…Fats are not necessary bad. They are sometimes more friendly to our body than protein. The key is moderation and again, Balancing. You can also choose to eat the salad with a simple lemon or vinaigrette dressings which adds more dimension to the whole dish. I did a herbal vinaigrette dressing for my salad. Ahh, what a satisfying meal we had…Health can be so enjoyable!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Avocado Jam

Avocado is a beautiful fruit. The best part is, it makes whoever consumes them beautiful too. Its Vitamin E goodness gives you great skin and its omegas content are great for our health and cholesterol level, it even helps in slimming too. Yup, not all oils are bad for the waist; good oils in moderations do help in slimming. With these in mind, I created my very own Avocado Jam using avocado blended with lots of healthful herbs and vegetable goodness. Be creative! Use it as a spread on anything from crackers to bagels or as a dressing to your salads. The melt-in-your mouth creamy texture will explode on your tongue with the fresh power of herbs... The jam keeps well in the fridge for up to five days only but, it usually disappear within threeJ

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Potato Power

Cooked potato sprinkle with lot's of herbs goodness!

Fit for a king...
I made a super healthy potato salad for hubby yesterday after I return home from work. He has been so busy lately with meetings and I wanted to make him something which is healthy, yummy and cool. Potatoes are great alkalizing food which is very beneficial to human body (too often made “acid” due to our unhealthy dietary preference and commercialized lifestyle habits). I choose red skin potato for their superb crunchy texture. Always leave the skin on (full of potassium goodness), dig away the “eye” (poisonous) with a small metal spoon and make sure not to overcook them (become mashed potato). I made my own eggs & dairy free mayonnaise with nut butter, herbs, olive oil and lot’s of love…J How I love to see him smile while enjoying them. Health is TASTY! Love is DeliciousJ

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Green Party Ideas

Do you love parties? I DO! I love FOOD! However, the fabulous varieties of food are always short of greens…L So, being a bit health conscious, what can you do? I think vegetable sticks are great ideas to save the day. It will be an even better idea if you can prepare it for your host. Yes, for the whole party of people. Good things like health are meant to be shared, and Health can be share the fun way too. I am sure your host will love you for your thoughtfulnessJ Vege-sticks are definitely great party gift. Trust me, they always disappear faster than the chicken wings.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Happy Pie

Cross-section of my juicy English Pie
I baked an English Pie for my family using my owe modified recipe for the first timeJ
Hot from the oven!
Can you imagine my excitement? Instead of giving them a surprise, I told them of my plan. I am so glad I did. All of them join in the excitement. I’m fixing their favorite food and the stress which arises from their eager anticipation became my major motivating factor. Who says English Pie made of potato, beef and cheese is a sinful dish? As least it makes my people very happy. Just substitute with healthier ingredients and the health factor shoots right up. Its really hard to get fat when you are sharing a pieJ
To me, good taste is a big health factor and the warmth of sharing good food together with your love ones is a big health bonus. Yes, the English Pie was a big successJ YUM!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Kachang Putei Treat

The Kachang Putei man checking the hot steaming chick-peas
I have a client who loves chick-peas. She rated highly on the “Vāta Dosha” body type who reacts adversely to legumes. In order to lose weight, she force herself to eat a mostly vegetarian diet which lots of beans and white rice to obtain her complete protein. She was always tired. Her stubborn discipline was rewarded with an almost too thin figure, but a ballooned tummy due to bloating. The discomfort and pain arising from her body aches are also too much for her to bear. “It’s so unfair! Why can’t I have beans just like everyone else?” she protested.
“There is a different plan for everyone dear. That is why you are so unique.” I told her.

She finally realizes that there are better food out there for her. Now she is enjoying a wide variety of food and is very happy with her figure and improved health. She still has her occasional chick-peas treats from the Kachang Putei man without complain now. The pain is good for her.  

Monday, 21 February 2011

Food Choices

I am not going to tell you what and how our ancestors eat. I know you don’t like to hear that. We are no longer living back then and most of their wisdoms will be fall into deaf ears by us high-tech new generation... In fact, I strongly believe that our ancestor will choose to eat the same food as you and me enjoy if they have a choice. Who can resist good food…especially in Singapore;-) Being force to live in simplicity is actually a blessing to their health.
We are spoilt by choices. Hope our body enjoys the food as much as our mouth.
Have a good lunchJ

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Hi, I Am Your "Rebellious" Nutritionist

I do love good food and who doesn’t? If you are a Singaporean, you know what I mean. I am not less “rebellious” as many cool people out there so flexibility, even in healthy eating and meal planning, is my belief. I am not a vegetarian but I can choose to eat like one and be the best model to all. The key sentence is “make a choice and be a responsible human” to yourself and your love ones.
Everything happens for a purpose. Health has been the original plan, something that everyone should be thankful about but, has always been taken for granted. Illnesses most often serve as an alarm bell to wake us up from our recklessness…
Choose to do the right thing and the things right for your health. You should be thankful as it’s never too late to start.